Raman Data Search and Storage – Download


Before download (takes 10 seconds): Please, read END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) carefully before copying, installing or using the RDSS software. By using all or any portion of the Software you accept all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree, do not use this Software. You can read the EULA online, at this URL http://rdrs.ro/rdss/license.html; or, you can read the full EULA which is in the root directory of the application (LICENSE.txt).

Scientific use / references

If you use RDSS in your scientific work, please reference to the software as:
RDSS – A Raman spectra library software using peaks position for fast and accurate identification of unknown inorganic compounds“, Version 201x.xx.xx, http://rdrs.ro/rdss/

Please insert the current version number which is presented as date format yyyy.mm.dd.

RDSS is written in Java, so it will run on almost any system with a Java runtime environment. To run RDSS application you need to install JRE version 1.7 or later. You can find Sun’s Java here (http://java.com/download/).


  1. Install Java Runtime Environment if you do not have it. You can find it here < it’s free. Important! You should use at least Java version 7.
  2. Download RDSS_yyyy.mm.dd.zip file.
  3. Unzip the file. You need ~28 MB of Hard Disk space for the RDSS application folder.

You can use 7-zip archiver – a open source software.

  1. Before you start RDSSApp.jar read the RDSS_Manual_201x.mm.dd.pdf file.
  2. You need Internet connection in order to run this software.
  3. The executable file is RDSSApp.jar

RDSS_2013.09.20current version

RDSS_2013.09.20current version (mirror)

For any issues please contact me andrei.apopei [at] uaic.ro

ChangeLog – Bugfixes and minor/major changes/improvements


  • In this minor release was solved the appearance issue of the vertical line marker from the Raman spectrum which correspond to chosen vibration (mouse click) of the vibration table. The problem was that the specific vibration marker on the Raman spectrum do not remains active (disappear after few milliseconds).


  • Was added a new column with corresponding mineral class for every entry. Also, from the dropbox of the corresponding column green header, user can select a pre-choice Mineral Class for a fast sorting;
  • Was fixed the issue for chemical formula format on the crystal structure window.


  • was integrated a 3D crystal structure viewer of every mineral. Using Jmol library (http://jmol.sourceforge.net), with the new release, users can see and play around with the crystal structure of selected mineral entry. Also, for the pro-jmol users, a console tab was implemented;
  • format chemical formula for all entries (empirical formula);
  • was added a samples folder which contain several Raman spectra in different formats;
  • was fixed the issue of the external links of every entry. This was an Java update issue. With this update, now this functionality it works also for other OS’s;
  • was added a new button (Clear search), which clear all fields from the main panel. The buttons below Raman spectrum was redesigned;
  • added a menu item (Reverse X-axis) for the main Raman spectra Chart Panel;
  • was fixed the issue of “remove multiple peaks” function from the New Spectrum panel > Analyze tab. When this bug occur (when multiple selection of the peaks, not all!), the “remove” button delete peaks one by one, and not all selected Raman peaks;
  • new Help file;
  • other minor fixes, in terms of Dialogs and Messages when specific actions occur.


  • New feature called RIA (Relative Intensity Assignment) which is a tool for the assignment of the Raman bands in terms of intensity (e.g. very strong, strong, medium, weak and very weak). This tool is divided in two categories: (i) which works very well with baseline-removed Raman spectra, and (ii) is better for high fluorescence Raman spectra;
  • The Quick Start Guide contains video tutorials for various features that you will find at Raman Data Search and Storage application;
  • Was added a manu bar to the New Raman Spectrum window which contains an option panel for the Raman spectrum;
  • The panel “DataSheet Peak(s) Assignment” was set to always on top to facilitate the search for the Raman peaks in the main panel;
  • New menu items was added: “Forum support” and “Donation”.


  • The connection timeout after a short time of inactivity was fixed;
  • The color of tables was changed for a good readability;
  • The image photo for every entry of the database was fixed in terms of search filter. The photo does not match to the selected mineral;
  • Was integrated the feature called: mouse coordinates for every Raman spectrum. Was added a real time coordinates of the Raman Spectrum when the mouse is moved over the spectrum;
  • Was added reverse X/Y-axis function;
  • Was added a line width function. Decrease/Increase the line width by one. Possible range is from 1 to 5;
  • Was integrated a slider which moves an cursor line along wavenumber axis. This slider can be moved also by the mouse wheel;
  • Was fixed the import issue of .rruff files;
  • Was added a file filter to see only files with the following extensions: *.txt, *.rruff, *.csv, *.asc, *.dat;
  • Was integrated a new feature which get peaks from a raw Raman spectrum;
  • Was added a new feature called Peak DataSheet Assignment for the imported raw Raman spectrum;
  • Was fixed the peak annotation from the chart plot to maintain proportion (Y-axis / intensity axis) when the spectrum is zoomed out/in;
  • Was added a new feature called Peak Assignment for every entry of the database. In other words, every entry have now a tentative assignment of they peaks (main and other – in terms of intensity);
  • An updater function was integrated. So, from now user will know when a new version of RDSS is available;
  • An algorithm for automatic peak finder was integrated. The algorithm use two variables: threshold and gap. Works very good with adjusted-baseline Raman spectra.


  • The major update consist in the new features which permit to see a fully scalable Raman spectrum (zoom in/out, translate, get mouse click position (cm^-1), automatically get the highest Raman peak, save as .png / .jpg file);
  • Also, the user can open an ASCII file (.txt format, by pressing the button ‘New Spectrum’) with XY values accepted with different delimiters: tab, space, comma, semicolon, ignore rows with ##comments and any combination of this. For that spectrum added in the viewer, user can change the color, show/hide gridlines, modify tick spacing, range and much more features;
  • Photos for each mineral was added;
  • System tray icon was added;
  • The current time is now updated every second, also in the Menu bar a label message from the server was added which display the current version of the application / latest version;
  • Splash screen was redesigned; added fresh information which is updated directly from database.


  • Full screen layout was fixed for different screen resolutions;
  • The Help item menu was fixed with an action performed which open the Help.pdf file.


  • First version!