Resources & link exchange
UV Vis Spectrophotometers – Get quality UV Vis spectrophotometer cuvettes at! As one of the leading manufacturers of quality cuvettes, they offer a wide range of cuvettes including spectrophotometer cuvettes, UV Visible spectrophotometers, optical quartz glass cuvettes, cells, flowcells and microfluidic chips.
Department of Geology – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi
Mineralogy Database – Mineral Collecting, Localities, Mineral Photos and Data
Raman database
Database of Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction and chemistry data for minerals
AIST:RIO-DB Raman Spectra Database of Minerals and Inorganic Materials
FDM Reference Spectra Databases – Infrared, Mass, NIR and Raman spectra, and software.
Spectroscopy Europe: a wealth of information on spectroscopy
Applied Spectroscopy – Journal of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy
American Mineralogist – An International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials
Crystal symmetries and Structure database
Crystal Structure Data for Common Ions, Molecules, and Complexes
ChemSpider – Database of Chemical Structures and Property Predictions
RasMol and OpenRasMol – Molecular Graphics Visualisation Tool
MOLDEN a visualization program of molecular and electronic structure
- Free Molecular Visualization and Modeling Software
Commerical Software for Molecular Visualization and Modeling